PUV are two valve like folds that block the urethra in boys. The severe resistance to passage of urine, damages the bladder and affects the developing kidneys to produce kidney failure. It is suspected in boys when both kidneys show hydronephrosis. In the most severe form, the waste accumulates and the baby can become very ill even if the urine is drained. Those who have enough kidney reserve can be rescued and the block cleared. After that, they still need a plan of management to protect kidney reserve from the damage of infection and high bladder pressure. A MCU (micturating cystourethrogram also called voiding cystourethrogram or VCUG) is done to confirm or rule out posterior urethral valve. If suspicion still exists, then cystoscopy is used to see the urethra with a telescope and if suitable divide the valve.
If your son is suspected or has been treated for PUV, and you wish to have a paediatric urologist’s assessment, click the button, attach photos of reports, then write or record your question.